NDP References for 1999 - 2000
2000 Literature
Sheet resistance of LiNbO3 wafers processed in radio-frequency plasma of hydrogen, H. Trucicova, J Pracharova, J. Cervena, J. Vacik, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, Vol. 50, Suppl. S3 Pages 461-465 (2000)
Redistribution of boron in silicon after Ne+ postirradiation and thermal annealing, D. Fink, P. Szimkowiak, X. Hu, V. Hnatowicz, J., Vacik and L. T. Chadderton, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids: Incorporating Plasma Science and Plasma Technology, Volume 152, Issue 1 (2000) pages 67-86
Li depth profile anomaly after radio-frequency hydrogen plasma processing of single crystal LiNbO3, H. Turciccova, S. Preucil, J. Vacik, and J. Cervena, Ferroelectrics, Volume 239, Issue 1, (2000) Pages 313-320.
ERDA study of H incorporated into lithium niobate optical layers, M Budnara, B Zorkoa, P Pelicona, J Špirková-Hradilováb, P Kolarova-Nekvindovab, H Turčičovác Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volumes 161–163, March 2000, Pages 568–572
DOI: 10.1016/S0168-583X(99)00996-9
Helium desorption from cavities induced by high energy 3He and 4He implantation in silicon, S. Godey, E. Ntsoenzok, T. Sauvage, A. van Veen, F. Labohm, M. F. Beaufort and J. F. Barbot, Materials Science and Engineering B, Volume 73, Issues 1-3, 3 April 2000, Pages 54-59
Rectangular nanovoids in helium-implanted and thermally annealed MgO(100), B. J. Kooi, A. van Veen, J. Th. M. De Hossson, H. Schut, A.V. Fedorov, and F. Labohm, Applied Physics Letters, Vol 76 (9) pages 1110-1112 (2000)
Helium irradiation effects in single crystals of MgAl2O4, E. A. C. Neeft, R. P. C. Schram, A. van Veen, F. Labohm and A. V. Fedorov, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volumes 166-167, 2 May 2000, Pages 238-243
Lithium nanocluster formation in Li+ - ion implanted MgO A. van Veen, M.A. van Huis, A.V. Fedorov, H. Schut, C.V. Falub, S.W.H. Eijt, F. Labohm, B.J. Kooi and J.Th.M. De Hosson MRS Proceedings, 647, O11.24.6 (2000) 6 pages
Predicted vacancy cluster structures in MgO and their interaction with helium, G. Busker, M. A. van Huis, R. W. Grimes and A. van Veen, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 171, Issue 4, December 2000, Pages 528-536
Helium irradiation effects in single crystals of MgAl2O4, E. A. C. Neeft, R. P. C. Schram, A. van Veen, F. Labohm and A. V. Fedorov, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volumes 166-167, 2 May 2000, Pages 238-243
Surface analysis of LiNbO3 single crystals modified by radiofrequency hydrogen plasma, H. Turˇcicˇova´, J. Zemek, J. Vac´ık, J. Cˇ ervena´, V. Perˇina, M. Polcarova´ and J. Bra´dler, Surface and Interface Analysis, 29, pages 260–264 (2000)
Tomographic study on high-fluence impact of nitrogen into silicon, M. Müller, D. Fink, J. Vacik, J. Cervena, and V. Hnatowicz, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 15 No. 7 July (2000) Pages 658-664
Analysis of lithium transport in electrochromic multilayer films by neutron depth profiling, G. P. Lamaze, H. H. Chen-Mayer, A. Gerouki and R. B. Goldner, Surface and Interface Analysis, Volume 29, Issue 9, pages 637–641, September 2000
Capillaric penetration of etchant solution into swift heavy ion-irradiated silicone rubber, D. Fink and M. Müller, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 170, Issues 1-2, September 2000, Pages 134-144
On the penetration of etchant into tracks in polycarbonate, D. Fink, K. K. Dwivedi , M. Müller, S. Ghosh , V. Hnatowicz, J. Vacik and J. Cervena, Radiation Measurements, Volume 32, Issue 4, 15 August 2000, Pages 307-313
Annealing behaviour of boron atoms implanted into polyethyleneterephtalate, J. Vacík, V. Hnatowicz, J. ervená, V. Pe ina, V. Popok, V. Odzhaev, V. vor ík, V. Rybka, E. Arenholz and D. Fink, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volumes 166-167, 2 May 2000, Pages 637-640
Simple technique for characterization of ion-modified polymeric foils, , J. Vacík, J. Cervená, V. Hnatowicz, S. Po ta, D. Fink, R. Klett and P. Strauss, Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 123, Issues 2-3, 24 January 2000, Pages 97-100
Adaptive use of prior information in inverse problems: an application to neutron depth profiling, Levenson, Mark S.; Coakley, Kevin J., Measurement Science and Technology, Volume 11, Issue 3, (2000) Pages 278-284
1999 Literature
Molten fluoride salts incorporation into pristine and ion-modified carbon allotropes and metallic foils, J. Vacik, V. Hnatowicz, J. Cervena, R. Mach, and I. Peka, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, Vol 49 Suppl. 1, pages 997-1002 (1999)
Tomographic study of the three-dimensional distribution of a high-fluence implant in a polymer, D. Fink, M. Muller, S. Ghosh, V. Hnatowicz and J. Vacik, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, Vol(68(4) pages 429-434 (1999)
Pulse-shape discrimination in Neutron Depth Profiling Radioanalytical Methods. Part II, J. Vacik, J. Cervena, V. Hnatowicz, V. Havranek, J. Hoffman, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, Vol. 49 Suppl. S1, pp 417-422 (1999)
Annealing behaviour of defects in helium implanted MgO, H. Schut, A. Van Veen, F. Labohm, A. V. Fedorov, E. A. C. Neeft and R. J. M. Konings, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 147, Issues 1-4, 1 January 1999, Pages 212-215
The formation of microvoids in MgO by helium ion implantation and thermal annealing, A. van Veen, H. Schut, A. V. Fedorov, F. Labohm, E. A. C. Neeft and R. J. M. Konings, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 148, Issues 1-4, 2 January 1999, Pages 768-772
Lithium depth profiling in thin electrochromic WO3, L. H. M. Krings, Y. Tamminga, J. van Berkum, F. Labohm, A. van Veen, W.M. Arnoldbik, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 17(1), Jan/Feb (1999) Pages 198-205
HIGH REFLECTIVITY MODULATION ELECTROCHROMIC WINDOWS, A. Gerouki and R.B. Goldner, MRS Proceedings, Volume 548, 1998, (1999) pages 679-685
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/PROC-548-679
Helium-3 and boron-10 concentration and depth measurements in alloys and semiconductors using NDP, Kenan Unlü, Mehmet Saglam and Bernard W. Wehring, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 422, Issues 1-3, 11 February (1999), Pages 885-890
Li+ grafting of ion irradiated polyethylene , V. vor ík, V. Rybka, J. Vacík, V. Hnatowicz, R. Öchsner and H. Ryssel, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 149, Issue 3, February (1999,) Pages 331-335
On the redistribution of 20 keV lithium in CuInSe2, D. Fink, G. Lippold, M. V. Yakushev, R. D. Tomlinson and R. D. Pilkington, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Volume 59, Issue 3, October (1999), Pages 217-231
New ways of polymeric ion track characterization, D. Fink, M. Müller, S. Ghosh, K. K. Dwivedi, J. Vacik, V. Hnatowicz, J. Cervena, Y. Kobayashi and K. Hirata, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 156, Issues 1-4, 2 July (1999), Pages 170-176
On the penetration of aqueous solutions into pristine and radiation damaged polyimide, S. Ghosh, R. Klett, D. Fink, K. K. Dwivedi, J. Vacík, V. Hnatowicz and J. ervena, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Volume 55, Issue 3, July 1999, Pages 271-284
High fluence boron implantation into polyimide, J. Vacík, V. Hnatowicz, J. ervená, V. Pe ina, V. Popok, V. Odzhaev and D. Fink, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 148, Issues 1-4, 2 January (1999), Pages 1126-1130
Some Practical Uses of the Neutron Depth Profiling Nuclear Technique, Mutis Puccio, O. A., Nucleotecnia, (1999); Vol.19; Part 33, Pages ?
Depth distribution of boron determined by slow neutron induced lithium ion emission, Huaiyu H. Chen-Mayer and George P. Lamaze, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 135, Issues 1-4, February (1998), Pages 407-412
Nitrogen Analysis in Thin Films Using Cold Neutron Depth Profiling, Lamaze, G.P. and Chen-Mayer, H.H., in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Modern Materials and Technologies, P. Vincenzini (ed.), TECNA, Faenza, Italy, 229-236 (1999)
In Situ Measurement of Lithium Movement in Thin Film Electrochromic Coatings Using Cold Neutron Depth Profiling, Lamaze, G.P., Chen-Mayer, H.H., Badding, M., and Laby, L., J. Surf. and Interface Anal., 27, 644, (1999)
Applications of Neutron Depth Profiling in Materials Science, Downing, R. Gregory, and Ünlü, Kenan, Nuclear Materials: Nuclear Methods in Materials Research-II, p. 110 (1999) American Nuclear Society, Boston, MA
Possibility of tailoring ne vs. cLi relations in lithium niobate optical waveguides for sensors application, Jarmila Spirkova-Hradilova, Pavla Nekvindova, Jiri Vacik ; Jarmila Cervena, Josef Schroefel, Proc. SPIE 3858, Advanced Materials and Optical Systems for Chemical and Biological Detection, 190 pp. 190-201 December 15 (1999)
Lithium Concentration Profiles in APE:LiNbO3 optical waveguides, Pavla Nekvindova, Jarmila Spirkova-Kradilova, Jiri Vacik, Jarmila Cervena, and Josef Schroefel, Proc. SPIE 4016, Photonics, Devices, and Systems, 76, pp. 76-80 December 29 (1999)
Localized moderate-temperature Er3+doping into optical crystals, Pavla Nekvindova, Jarmila Spirkova-Hradilova, Josef Schroefel, Martin Slunecko, Vratislav Perina, and Jiri Vacik, Proc. SPIE 3858, Advanced Materials and Optical Systems for Chemical and Biological Detection, 180 (December 15, (1999);
Neutron focusing using capillary optics and its applications to elemental analysis, H. H. Chen-Mayer, D. F. R. Mildner, G. P. Lamaze, R. L. Paul, and R. M. Lindstrom, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 475, pp. 718-721 (1999)
https://doi.org/10.1063/1.59218 (link)